

(Software for assessment of disabled for access rehabilitation and empowerment)

Software For Assessment Of Disabled For Access Rehabilitation and Empowerment( SADERM) Slot Booking system is a web based application. Firstly User(Disability person) needs to complete the registration and slot booking process through the website / MIS. Depending upon the disability, Users (Disability persons ) need to fix the Appointment with Doctors assigned to the Sadarem .Then doctors will login through Sadarem MIS and check their Assigned users(Disability persons) for the particular day.

Our Amazing beautiful features

Ensure tracking of Hospital wise slots allotments and testings
Using this software, Doctors assess the PWDs and issues the computer generated Disability Certificate with unique ID along with Identity Card.
Centralized Database of PWDs
Providing Access of PWD Database to various Govt. programs, schemes.
Process Development & Improvement
