
About Birth & Death Registrations and Certificate Monitoring System

The main objective of Birth & Death Registration and certificate monitoring system is to record Birth & Death details of citizens pertaining to the ULB. The functional part involved in essence includes recording/registering primary data such as birth & death of citizens, recording fee collection details, issuing birth & death certificates, cancelling birth & death registration and correcting birth & death registration details.
Details of birth and death that occurred in the municipality area are collected either from the relatives of the registered people or the hospital and recorded in the corresponding register. If any requisition is made for the birth or death certificate, details of the requester are recorded and the certificate is issued.
The functions of this module are registration of births and deaths, registration of still births, inclusion of child name at a later date, generation of birth and death certificates, and issue of non-availability certificates, correction to birth and death certificates and generation of various statistical reports.

Our Amazing beautiful features

Registration / recording Birth & Death records
Generation and Issuance of birth and death certificates
Corrections in the Birth & Death registration details
Updation of registration details (Inclusion of child’s name)
